2020-04-17 18:07:19 +03:00

41 lines
1.4 KiB

% Abstract in English
%Most probably, you only need to change the text of the abstract. Everything else comes from chapter/0info.tex
%If you do not have any appendix, you may delete \total{chapter} and replace with 0
\begin{tabular}{ | p{4,7cm} | p{10,3cm} |}
Author(s) \newline
Title \newline\newline
Number of Pages \newline
\@author \newline
\@title \newline\newline %! if very long title over 2 lines, remove one \newline
\pageref*{LastPage} pages + \total{chapter} appendices \newline %! if no appendices, risk to count total of chapter :D
\IfLanguageName {finnish} {\foreignlanguage{english}{\longdate\@date}} {\@date}
\\ \hline
Degree & \metropoliadegree
\\ \hline
Degree Programme & \metropoliadegreeprogramme
\\ \hline
Professional Major & \metropoliaspecialisation
\\ \hline
Instructor(s) & \metropoliainstructors
\\ \hline
The purpose of this thesis was to evaluate the suitability of the Rust programming language for web programming.\newline
During the thesis, a project was carried out, in which both the frontend and backend was written in Rust.
} \\[14cm] \hline
Keywords & \metropoliakeywords
\\ \hline