2020-03-24 14:24:20 +02:00

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% Metropolia Thesis LaTeX Template
% License:
% This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
% To view a copy of this license, visit
% However, this license apply to this template. As a template, it is supposed to be
% modified for your own needs (with your thesis content). For this reason, if you use
% this project as a template and not specifically distribute it as part of a another
% package/program, we grant the extra permission to freely copy and modify these files as
% you see fit and even to delete this copyright notice.
% In short, you are free to publish your thesis under whatever license you wish, even
% keep the all rights reserved to you.
% Authors:
% Panu Leppäniemi, Patrik Luoto and Patrick Ausderau
% Credits:
% Panu Leppäniemi: abstract, def, cleaning,...
% Patrik Luoto: title page, abstract in Finnish, abbreviation, math,...
% Patrick Ausderau: initial version, style, table of content, bibliography, figure,
% appendix, table, source code listing...
% Please:
% If you find mistakes, improve this template and alike, please contribute by sharing
% your improvements and/or send us your feedback there:
% And of course, if you improve it, add yourself as an author.
% Compiler:
% Use XeLaTeX as a compiler.
% All general information (main language, title, author (you), degree programme, major
% option, etc.)
% Edit the file chapters/0info.tex to change these information
% If you need extra package, etc. modify the style/style.tex file.
% If you are using Windows OS, you will need to change default font to Arial in that
% style/style.tex file (or install Liberation Sans font to your system).
% If you are using MacOS or linux, make sure you have Liberation Sans font installed.
% Normally, you do not need to modify the title style. It's content comes from the
% chapters/0info.tex file.
% Add/edit all your acronyms, abbreviations, glossary entries, etc. definitions in
% chapters/0abbr.tex file.
% You can have as many as you wish. Only the ones you use in your text (inserted with
% \gls{} command) will print in the Glossary/Lyhenteet.
% ABSTRACT / Tiivistelmä
% If you are international student writing in English, remove the Finnish abstract.
% If you are Finnish citizen, you must have 2 abstracts, one in Finnish (or Swedish
% depending on your mother tongue) and one in English regardless of the main language of
% your thesis.
% License? Acknowledgement?
% Uncomment next line and edit chapters/0license.tex if you want license in your thesis.
% Uncomment next line and edit chapters/0acknowledgement.tex if you want acknowledgements.
%list of figure, tables would come here if relevant?
% Lyhenteet / Abbreviation
% If you don't use abbreviations/glossary, remove the following line.
\input{style/content.tex}%reset page number to 1, etc.
% Thesis content if you strictly follow the "Final Year Project guide". Of course, you
% can adapt to your specific needs (add more chapter, rename them, etc.).
%force smaller vertical spacing in table of content
%!!! There can be some fun depending if the appendices have (sub)sections or not :D
% You will have to play with these numbers and eventually add the \vspace line before
% some \chapter and force another number.
% To add more fun, time to time the table of content get wrong after a build :(
\liite{1}% This is a hack to have right page numbering for each appendix. Make sure to
% use a unique number for each appendix.
% \addtocontents{toc}{\vspace{11pt}}%fix vertical space for Table of Content
% \liite{2}
% \input{sample/Xappendix2.tex}