%---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Metropolia Thesis LaTeX Template %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % License: % This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. % To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. % % However, this license apply to this template. As a template, it is supposed to be % modified for your own needs (with your thesis content). For this reason, if you use % this project as a template and not specifically distribute it as part of a another % package/program, we grant the extra permission to freely copy and modify these files as % you see fit and even to delete this copyright notice. % In short, you are free to publish your thesis under whatever license you wish, even % keep the all rights reserved to you. % % Authors: % Panu Leppäniemi, Patrik Luoto and Patrick Ausderau % % Credits: % Panu Leppäniemi: abstract, def, cleaning,... % Patrik Luoto: title page, abstract in Finnish, abbreviation, math,... % Patrick Ausderau: initial version, style, table of content, bibliography, figure, % appendix, table, source code listing... % % Please: % If you find mistakes, improve this template and alike, please contribute by sharing % your improvements and/or send us your feedback there: % https://github.com/panunu/metropolia-thesis-latex % And of course, if you improve it, add yourself as an author. % % Compiler: % Use XeLaTeX as a compiler. \input{chapters/0-info.tex} \input{style/style.tex} \input{style/title.tex} \input{chapters/0-abbr.tex} \begin{document} \counterwithout{listing}{chapter} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % TITLE PAGE %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \input{style/title_headers.tex} \maketitle \newpage \input{chapters/0-abstract_fi.tex} \input{chapters/0-abstract_en.tex} \input{style/toc.tex} \input{style/abbr.tex} \input{style/content.tex}%reset page number to 1, etc. % Chapters \input{chapters/1-johdanto.tex} \input{chapters/2-web-ohjelmointi.tex} \input{chapters/3-kielet.tex} \input{chapters/4-projekti.tex} \input{chapters/5-soveltuvuus.tex} \input{chapters/6-yhteenveto.tex} %%%%%%%%%% \input{style/biblio.tex} \input{style/appendix.tex} \addtocontents{toc}{\vspace{11pt}} \pretocmd{\chapter}{\addtocontents{toc}{\protect\vspace{-24pt}}}{}{} % appendices \liite{1} \input{appendix/actix.tex} \addtocontents{toc}{\vspace{11pt}}%fix vertical space for Table of Content \liite{2} \input{appendix/jwt.tex} \addtocontents{toc}{\vspace{11pt}} \liite{3} \input{appendix/frontend-main.tex} \addtocontents{toc}{\vspace{11pt}} \liite{4} \input{appendix/login.tex} \addtocontents{toc}{\vspace{11pt}} \liite{5} \input{appendix/protected.tex} \addtocontents{toc}{\vspace{11pt}} \liite{6} \input{appendix/diesel.tex} %%%%%%%%%% \end{document}