diff --git a/tex/biblio.bib b/tex/biblio.bib index f077f6a..0535a1b 100644 --- a/tex/biblio.bib +++ b/tex/biblio.bib @@ -2,44 +2,35 @@ % BOOK %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -@book{tobias:book, -author = "{Tobias Oetiker} and {Hubert Partl} and {Irene Hyna} and {Elisabeth Schlegl}", -title = "The {N}ot {S}o {S}hort {I}ntroduction to \LaTeX{}2e", -year = "2011", -address = "Switzerland" -} -%publisher = "???", -%isbn = {1234} - -@book{kopka:guide, -author = "{Kopka, Helmut}", -title = "Guide to \LaTeX{}", -publisher = "Addison-Wesley", -year = "2004", -address = "Boston", -isbn = {0321173856} -} +%@book{tobias:book, +%author = "{Tobias Oetiker} and {Hubert Partl} and {Irene Hyna} and {Elisabeth Schlegl}", +%title = "The {N}ot {S}o {S}hort {I}ntroduction to \LaTeX{}2e", +%year = "2011", +%address = "Switzerland" +%} +publisher = "???", +isbn = {1234} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % ARTICLE %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -@article{un:udhr, - author = {international community, United Nations}, - title = {The Universal Declaration of Human Rights}, - url = {http://www.un.org/en/documents/udhr}, - year = 1948 -} +%@article{un:udhr, +% author = {international community, United Nations}, +% title = {The Universal Declaration of Human Rights}, +% url = {http://www.un.org/en/documents/udhr}, +% year = 1948 +%} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % WEB %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -@online{wikibooks:latex, -title = "\LaTeX{}", -year = "2012", -publisher = "{wikibooks.org}", -url = "http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX", -lastchecked = "November~05, 2012" -} -%author = "{???}", \ No newline at end of file +%@online{wikibooks:latex, +%title = "\LaTeX{}", +%year = "2012", +%publisher = "{wikibooks.org}", +%url = "http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX", +%lastchecked = "November~05, 2012" +%} +%author = "{???}", diff --git a/tex/chapters/0abbr.tex b/tex/chapters/0abbr.tex index dfe6bad..6ae9200 100644 --- a/tex/chapters/0abbr.tex +++ b/tex/chapters/0abbr.tex @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ \newglossaryentry{maths} { name=mathematics, - description={Mathematics is what mathematicians do} + description={Test} } diff --git a/tex/chapters/0info.tex b/tex/chapters/0info.tex index 67996a8..f0c998b 100644 --- a/tex/chapters/0info.tex +++ b/tex/chapters/0info.tex @@ -7,34 +7,30 @@ %\def\secondlang{finnish} %If the main language is English and that you are native Finnish (or Swedish) speaker, you must have also abstract in your native language on top of the English one. -\author{Nimi/Name} %your first name and last name +\author{Marko Korhonen} %your first name and last name \def\thesisfi{Insinöörityö}%was Opinnäytetyö \def\thesisen{Thesis} \def\alaotsikko{Alaotsikko/Subtitle} %DISABLED, seems not to be an option with the new template (2018). If you really need it, uncomment and modify style/title.tex accordingly %if you don't have subtitle, empty {} it (but don't delete that line) %Finnish section, for title/abstract -\def\otsikko{Opinnäytetyön otsikko} -\def\tutkinto{Tutkinto (esim. Insinööri (AMK))} % change to your needs, e.g. "YAMK", etc. -\def\kohjelma{Koulutusohjelma (esim. Tieto\textendash ja viestintätekniikka)} -\def\suuntautumis{Ammatillinen pääaine (esim. Mobile Solutions)} +\def\otsikko{Rust web-ohjelmointikielenä} +\def\tutkinto{Insinööri (AMK)} % change to your needs, e.g. "YAMK", etc. +\def\kohjelma{Tieto\textendash ja viestintätekniikka} +\def\suuntautumis{Ohjelmistotuotanto} \def\ohjaajat{ -Titteli Etunimi Sukunimi\newline -Titteli Etunimi Sukunimi +Simo Silander } \def\avainsanat{avainsanat} \def\pvm{\specialdate\today} %English section, for title/abstract -\title{Your title here} +\title{Rust as a web development language} \def\metropoliadegree {Bachelor of Engineering} % change to your needs, e.g. "master", etc. -\def\metropoliadegreeprogramme {your degree programme (e.g. Information Technology)} -\def\metropoliaspecialisation {your major option (e.g. Mobile Solutions)} +\def\metropoliadegreeprogramme {Information Technology} +\def\metropoliaspecialisation {Software Engineering} \def\metropoliainstructors { -First name Last name, Title (for example: Project Manager)\newline -First name Last name, Title (for example: Principal Lecturer) +Simo Silander, Principal Lecturer } \def\metropoliakeywords {Keywords} \date{\longmonth\today} - - diff --git a/tex/chapters/introduction.tex b/tex/chapters/introduction.tex index f3d8dc3..fe2eb8f 100644 --- a/tex/chapters/introduction.tex +++ b/tex/chapters/introduction.tex @@ -1,7 +1,13 @@ -% Introduction +% Johdanto -\chapter{Introduction} +\chapter{Johjanto} -Check Final Year Project Guide for the content of introduction chapter. +Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena on selvittää Rust-ohjelmointikielen soveltuvuutta web-ohjelmointiin. + +Opinnäytetyön yhteydessä tarkoituksena tehdä projekti, missä frontend ja backend toteutetaan molemmat Rustilla. + +Rust on Mozillan 2010 julkaisema ohjelmointikieli. Se on hyvin suorituskykyinen järjestelmätason ohjelmointikieli, muistuttaen monilta osin C ja C++ kieliä. Rustin tarkoituksena on säilyttää näiden vanhojen kielien suorituskyky, mutta kuitenkin tarjoten samalla muun muassa vahvan tyypityksen, ratkaista tyypilliset C-kielien muistinhallintaongelmat, turvallisen rinnakkaisajon. + +Lisäksi Rust kokoontuu suoraan WebAssemblyksi, mikä on omalta osaltaan kerännyt kanssa hyvin paljon kiinnostusta lähivuosina. Sitä on suunniteltu JavaScriptin seuraajaksi ja sen etuna on Rustin tavoin huomattavasti parempi tehokkuus ja suorituskyky. \clearpage %force the next chapter to start on a new page. Keep that as the last line of your chapter! diff --git a/tex/main.tex b/tex/main.tex index 8ca9730..4028a23 100644 --- a/tex/main.tex +++ b/tex/main.tex @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % If you don't use abbreviations/glossary, remove the following line. -\input{style/abbr.tex} +%\input{style/abbr.tex} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % CONTENT @@ -130,13 +130,6 @@ %\input{chapters/solution.tex} %\input{chapters/conclusion.tex} -% Sample content to demonstrate LaTeX command. You will likely delete this line and the -% next \input{sample/*} lines. You are also safe to delete the sample/ folder and its -% content once you refershed your LaTeX skills. Also check the appendix samples. -\input{sample/1content.tex} -\input{sample/2lorem.tex} -\input{sample/3graph.tex} - %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % BIBLIOGRAPHY REFERENCES %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @@ -158,18 +151,10 @@ \liite{1}% This is a hack to have right page numbering for each appendix. Make sure to % use a unique number for each appendix. -\input{sample/Xappendix1.tex}% Sample content to demonstrate appendix in LaTeX. You -% are safe to delete this lines (and the next samples) once you refreshed your LaTeX -% skills (and safe to delete the sample folder and all its file too). - -\addtocontents{toc}{\vspace{11pt}}%fix vertical space for Table of Content -\liite{2} -\input{sample/Xappendix2.tex} - -\addtocontents{toc}{\vspace{11pt}} -\liite{3} -\input{sample/X_R_example.tex} +% \addtocontents{toc}{\vspace{11pt}}%fix vertical space for Table of Content +% \liite{2} +% \input{sample/Xappendix2.tex} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % THIS IS THE END diff --git a/tex/sample/1content.tex b/tex/sample/1content.tex deleted file mode 100644 index 80da6ef..0000000 --- a/tex/sample/1content.tex +++ /dev/null @@ -1,177 +0,0 @@ -%sample content to demonstrate LaTeX command. - -\chapter{Demonstration Content} - -This is a chapter to demonstrate some of the \LaTeX{} ~commands that you can use to format your text. -This should be \textbf{bold} and this \textit{italic} and finally \textbf{\textit{bolditalic}}. When one want to use an abbreviation or acronym like \gls{html} using the \textbf{\textbackslash{}gls} command in \gls{latex}, the first time, it comes with it full version and for all next uses in it short \gls{html} form. Of course, when needed, the full version is available using e.g. the \textbf{\textbackslash{}acrlong} command. - -The defined terms like \gls{maths} use the same \textbf{\textbackslash{}gls} \gls{latex} command. The Capitalized can be obtained with \textbf{\textbackslash{}Gls}. Should be avoided; but to have all the abbreviations and terms, even the non-used ones, use the \textbf{\textbackslash{}glsaddall} command before printing the list of Abbreviations. - -\section{Section with references} -Here is an example how to cite a bibliography entry \cite{kopka:guide} using the \textquotedblleft\textbackslash{}cite\textquotedblright ~\gls{latex} command ~\cite[section 4.2]{tobias:book}. Note that a paragraph is added by forcing a new line. - -And let also try the figure (see figure \vref{fig:latex-cover}) and internal reference (with label and ref or vref). The reference can be done to any label, for example why not to appendix \ref{appx:first} or to appendix \ref{appx:second}? To note, \gls{latex} will place the figure to the best place (except with forcing). Let them float till the final of final edit\ldots ~then force them to not break a paragraph.%hugly hack... I'm sorry -\begin{figure}[h] - \centering - \includegraphics[width=7.1cm]{LaTeX_cover} - \caption{\gls{latex} cover image (Copied from wikibooks.org (2012) \cite{wikibooks:latex}).} - \label{fig:latex-cover} -\end{figure} - -Let's also try a long quote: -From the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: -\begin{quote} -(1) Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit. - -(2) Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace. - -(3) Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children. \cite[article 26]{un:udhr} -\end{quote} - -\textit{Quisque augue} est, \textbf{elementum ac porttitor} non, porttitor ac orci. Donec hendrerit, ligula ac luctus egestas, sem dolor pretium nunc, sed vehicula magna diam a massa. Donec mattis, arcu et tempor mattis, risus tortor ultrices metus, nec sodales sem dolor eu elit.\vspace{-17pt} -\begin{itemize} -\item \textbf{A small hack} with list -\item is to force the vertical space -\item before and after the list -\end{itemize} -\vspace{-17pt} Nullam egestas enim at odio pellentesque bibendum. - -\subsection{Subsection} -Donec et sapien ac leo condimentum vulputate id et tellus. Maecenas hendrerit malesuada interdum. Aenean dignissim sem faucibus elit congue faucibus id non risus. Morbi at dui non tortor pellentesque consequat non eget urna. Cras in sapien dui, a tincidunt velit. -\reaction{\label{eq:reaktio}$\underset{\text{+II}}{\ce{2Fe^2+}}$ + $\underset{\text{+I\;-I}}{\ce{H2O2}}$ + $\underset{\text{+I\;-II}}{\ce{2H3O^+}}$ <=> $\underset{\text{+III}}{\ce{2Fe^3+}}$ + $\underset{\text{+I\;-II}}{\ce{4H2O}}$} -Työn aluksi rauta(II)ionit hapetetaan rauta(III)ioneiksi väkevällä vetyperoksidilla, kuten reaktion~\ref{eq:reaktio} hapetusluvuista nähdään (rauta hapettuu, happi pelkistyy). -\reaction{Fe^3+( \emph{aq} ) + 3OH^-( \emph{aq} ) + $(x-1)$H2O( \emph{l} ) -> FeOOH $\cdot$ $x$(H2O)( \emph{s} )} -Rauta(III)ionit saostetaan emäksen (\ce{NH3}) avulla ja saadaan tuotteeksi kidevedellinen rauta(III)hydroksidi. Saatu saostuma pestään \ce{NH4NO3}:lla. -\reaction{FeOOH $\cdot$ $x$(H2O)( \emph{s} ) ->T[$\Delta$900-1000\celsius] Fe2O3( \emph{s} )} - -\subsection{Subsection with \Gls{maths}} -Donec et sapien ac leo condimentum vulputate id et tellus. Maecenas hendrerit malesuada interdum. Aenean dignissim sem faucibus elit congue faucibus id non risus. Morbi at dui non tortor pellentesque consequat non eget urna. Cras in sapien dui, a tincidunt velit. Tertiäärinen butyylikloridi reagoi veden kanssa oheisen reaktion mukaisesti: -\reaction{(CH3)3CCl + 2H2O -> (CH3)3COH+H3O+ +Cl-} -Kyseessä on ensimmäisen kertaluvun reaktio, joten reaktion nopeus on -\begin{align} -v=-\frac{\mathrm{d}[\tn{t-ButCl}]}{\mathrm{d}t}=\frac{\mathrm{d}[\tn{HCl}]}{\mathrm{d}t}=k[\tn{t-ButCl}] -\end{align} -Jos tarkastellaan lähtöaineen t-butyylikloridin häviämistä saadaan -\begin{align} -\frac{\mathrm{d}[\tn{t-ButCl}]}{[\tn{t-ButCl}]}&=-k\mathrm{d}t \\ -\int \frac{\mathrm{d}[\tn{t-ButCl}]}{[\tn{t-ButCl}]}&=-k \int \mathrm{d}t \\ -\ln \int_{[\tn{t-ButCl}]_0}^{[\tn{t-ButCl}]} [\tn{t-ButCl}]&=-k\int_0^t t \\ -\ln \left( \frac{[\tn{t-ButCl}]}{[\tn{t-ButCl}]_0} \right)&=-kt -\end{align} -Ionivahvuus lasketaan kaavalla. -\begin{align} -I&=\frac{1}{2}\cdot\sum z_i^2c_i \\ -z_i&= \tn{ionin varausluku} \\ -c_i&= \tn{ionin konsentraatio} -\end{align} -Aktiivisuuskerroin $\gamma_\pm$ lasketaan kaavalla. -\begin{align} -\log \gamma_\pm &= -\left|z_+\cdot z_-\right|A\cdot I^{\frac{1}{2}} \\ -A &= \tn{0,509 (lämpötilassa 25\celsius}) \\ -I &= \tn{ionivahvuus} \\ -z &= \tn{ionien varaus} -\end{align} - -\section{Section with Source Code} -Donec et sapien ac leo condimentum vulputate id et tellus. Maecenas hendrerit malesuada interdum. Aenean dignissim sem faucibus elit congue faucibus id non risus. Morbi at dui non tortor pellentesque consequat non eget urna. Cras in sapien dui, a tincidunt velit. - -%For sharelatex users, use space instead of tab to avoid ^^I -\begin{code} - \begin{minted}{php} - -

Hello !


your message got received.

- -\end{minted} - \captionof{listing}{Descriptive Caption Text (e.g. this code do blah)} - \label{code:testphp} -\end{code} - - -As see in listing \ref{code:testphp}, blah. It is also possible to have code inline, for example \mintinline{sql}{SELECT * FROM user WHERE age >= 18} that was SQL. -The lisings \ref{code:htmlfull} and \ref{code:htmlpart} show how to load code from an external source file. In the case of listing \ref{code:htmlpart} it only take few line out of the source code file. - -\begin{code} - \inputminted{html}{code/html5_sample.html} - \captionof{listing}{Some html code} - \label{code:htmlfull} -\end{code} - Donec et sapien ac leo condimentum vulputate id et tellus. Maecenas hendrerit malesuada interdum. Aenean dignissim sem faucibus elit congue faucibus id non risus. - - \begin{code} - \inputminted[firstline=3,lastline=6]{html}{code/html5_sample.html} - \captionof{listing}{The \mintinline{html}{} section of an html page} - \label{code:htmlpart} -\end{code} - - - Morbi at dui non tortor pellentesque consequat non eget urna. Cras in sapien dui, a tincidunt velit. - - -\section{Section with Table} -Donec et sapien ac leo condimentum vulputate id et tellus. Maecenas hendrerit malesuada interdum. Aenean dignissim sem faucibus elit congue faucibus id non risus. Morbi at dui non tortor pellentesque consequat non eget urna. Cras in sapien dui, a tincidunt velit. - -\begin{table}[h] - \centering - \caption{Some data} - %IMPORTANT the caption must be before the tabular, so it will be on top of the table (there are other tricks to force it on top; but this one is straitforward). - \begin{tabular}{| l | >{\centering\arraybackslash}p{.5\textwidth} |} - \hline - Test 1 & test 1234 test \\ - \hline - Some more date comes here & with more values and if the text is very long it will disappear out of the box unless you force the column size :( \\ - \hline - \end{tabular} - \label{table:some_data} -\end{table} - - -As presented in table \ref{table:some_data}: Donec et sapien ac leo condimentum vulputate id et tellus. Maecenas hendrerit malesuada interdum. Aenean dignissim sem faucibus elit congue faucibus id non risus. Morbi at dui non tortor pellentesque consequat non eget urna. Cras in sapien dui, a tincidunt velit. - -\begin{table}[h] - \centering - \caption{Another table with tabularx} - \begin{tabularx}{.95\textwidth}{| l | >{\centering\arraybackslash} X |} - \hline - Test 1 & test 1234 test \\ - \hline - Some more date comes here & with more values and if the text is very long it will disappear out of the box unless you force the table size :( \\ - \hline - \end{tabularx} - \label{table:some_data2} -\end{table} - -As presented in table \ref{table:some_data2}: Donec et sapien ac leo condimentum vulputate id et tellus. Maecenas hendrerit malesuada interdum. Aenean dignissim sem faucibus elit congue faucibus id non risus. Morbi at dui non tortor pellentesque consequat non eget urna. Cras in sapien dui, a tincidunt velit. - -\begin{table}[htbp] - \centering - \caption{Booktabs example} - \begin{tabular}{rrrr} - \toprule - t (s) & [HCl] & [t-ButCl] & $\ln\frac{[t-ButCl]}{[t-ButCl]_0}$ \\ - \midrule - 0 & 4,02 & 160,88 & 0,00 \\ - 10 & 63 & 101,9 & -0,46 \\ - 20 & 115,2 & 49,7 & -1,17 \\ - 30 & 141,3 & 23,6 & -1,92 \\ - 40 & 157,9 & 7 & -3,13 \\ - 50 & 161 & 3,9 & -3,72 \\ - 60 & 164,3 & 0,6 & -5,59 \\ - 70 & 163,5 & 1,4 & -4,74 \\ - 80 & 163,8 & 1,1 & -4,99 \\ - 90 & 164,1 & 0,8 & -5,30 \\ - 100 & 164,3 & 0,6 & -5,59 \\ - \bottomrule - \end{tabular} - \label{tab:thisislabel} -\end{table} - -As presented in table \ref{tab:thisislabel}: Donec et sapien ac leo condimentum vulputate id et tellus. Maecenas hendrerit malesuada interdum. Aenean dignissim sem faucibus elit congue faucibus id non risus. Morbi at dui non tortor pellentesque consequat non eget urna. Cras in sapien dui, a tincidunt velit. - -\clearpage %force the next chapter to start on a new page. Keep that as the last line of your chapter! diff --git a/tex/sample/2lorem.tex b/tex/sample/2lorem.tex deleted file mode 100644 index 2293c0f..0000000 --- a/tex/sample/2lorem.tex +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -%Dummy content to use some space... - -\chapter{Dummy Content} - -Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam aliquam aliquam purus, in ornare nulla imperdiet molestie. Nam tempus erat eu dui rhoncus et vestibulum mi elementum. Ut porttitor elit sit amet justo dignissim sit amet sagittis massa egestas. Mauris sed dolor eget dui fermentum sodales ut eu nibh. - -Quisque augue est, elementum ac porttitor non, porttitor ac orci. Donec hendrerit, ligula ac luctus egestas, sem dolor pretium nunc, sed vehicula magna diam a massa. Donec mattis, arcu et tempor mattis, risus tortor ultrices metus, nec sodales sem dolor eu elit. Nullam egestas enim at odio pellentesque bibendum. - -Donec et sapien ac leo condimentum vulputate id et tellus. Maecenas hendrerit malesuada interdum. Aenean dignissim sem faucibus elit congue faucibus id non risus. Morbi at dui non tortor pellentesque consequat non eget urna. Cras in sapien dui, a tincidunt velit. - -\clearpage %force the next chapter to start on a new page. Keep that as the last line of your chapter! diff --git a/tex/sample/3graph.tex b/tex/sample/3graph.tex deleted file mode 100644 index ec72bbe..0000000 --- a/tex/sample/3graph.tex +++ /dev/null @@ -1,67 +0,0 @@ -% Sample content to demonstrate tikzpicture - -\chapter{Graph} - -Data to plot the graph \ref{fig:stdplot} are in data.dat file. -Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam aliquam aliquam purus, in ornare nulla imperdiet molestie. Nam tempus erat eu dui rhoncus et vestibulum mi elementum. Ut porttitor elit sit amet justo dignissim sit amet sagittis massa egestas. Mauris sed dolor eget dui fermentum sodales ut eu nibh. -\begin{figure}[htbp] - \centering - \begin{tikzpicture} - \pgfplotsset{width=12cm, - compat=1.3, - legend style={font=\footnotesize}} - \begin{axis}[ - xlabel={c (mg/l)}, - ylabel={A}, - legend pos=north west, - ymajorgrids=true, - grid style=dashed -] - -\addplot [only marks, blue] table {data.dat}; -\addplot [no markers, thick, red] table[ -x=c, -y={create col/linear regression}] {data.dat}; -\addlegendentry{data} -\addlegendentry{% -$\pgfmathprintnumber{\pgfplotstableregressiona}x -\pgfmathprintnumber[print sign]{\pgfplotstableregressionb}$} -\end{axis} -\end{tikzpicture} -\caption{Simple linear regression plot (cannot get $r^2$ value)} -\label{fig:stdplot} -\end{figure} - -Quisque augue est, as seen in figure \ref{fig:stdplot} elementum ac porttitor non, porttitor ac orci. Donec hendrerit, ligula ac luctus egestas, sem dolor pretium nunc, sed vehicula magna diam a massa. Donec mattis, arcu et tempor mattis, risus tortor ultrices metus, nec sodales sem dolor eu elit. Nullam egestas enim at odio pellentesque bibendum. - -Donec et sapien ac leo condimentum vulputate id et tellus. Maecenas hendrerit malesuada interdum. Aenean dignissim sem faucibus elit congue faucibus id non risus. Morbi at dui non tortor pellentesque consequat non eget urna. Cras in sapien dui, a tincidunt velit. - -\section{Section} - -Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam aliquam aliquam purus, in ornare nulla imperdiet molestie. Nam tempus erat eu dui rhoncus et vestibulum mi elementum. -\tikzstyle{palikka} = [rectangle, rounded corners, minimum width=1cm, minimum height=1cm, text centered, text width=2cm, draw=black, fill=red!30] -\tikzstyle{arrow} = [thick,->,>=stealth] -\begin{figure}[htbp] -\centering -\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=2.75cm] -\node[label=90:Label] (yksi) [palikka] {Lorem}; -\node (kaksi) [palikka, right of=yksi] {ipsum}; -\node (kolme) [palikka, below of=kaksi, yshift=1cm] {dolor}; -\node (neljä) [palikka, left of=kolme] {sit}; -\node (viisi) [palikka, below of=neljä, yshift=1cm] {amet}; -\draw [arrow] (yksi) -- (kaksi); -\draw [arrow] (kaksi) -- node[anchor=west] {tekstiä} (kolme); -\draw [arrow] (kolme) -- (neljä); -\draw [arrow] (neljä) -- (viisi); -\end{tikzpicture} -\caption{Example tikz-picture} -\label{fig:tikz} -\end{figure} - -As seen in figure \ref{fig:tikz}, ut porttitor elit sit amet justo dignissim sit amet sagittis massa egestas. Mauris sed dolor eget dui fermentum sodales ut eu nibh. - -\section{Section} - -Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam aliquam aliquam purus, in ornare nulla imperdiet molestie. Nam tempus erat eu dui rhoncus et vestibulum mi elementum. Ut porttitor elit sit amet justo dignissim sit amet sagittis massa egestas. Mauris sed dolor eget dui fermentum sodales ut eu nibh. - -\clearpage %force the next chapter to start on a new page. Keep that as the last line of your chapter! diff --git a/tex/sample/X_R_example.tex b/tex/sample/X_R_example.tex deleted file mode 100644 index 6b0a167..0000000 --- a/tex/sample/X_R_example.tex +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -% Appendix to demonstrate R integration - -\chapter{R examples} - -TODO - -\clearpage %force the next chapter/appendix to start on a new page. Keep that as the last line of your appendix! diff --git a/tex/sample/Xappendix1.tex b/tex/sample/Xappendix1.tex deleted file mode 100644 index 79ca85c..0000000 --- a/tex/sample/Xappendix1.tex +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ -% Appendix -% And demonstrate text references and bibliography references in appendix - -\chapter{Some Appendix}\label{appx:first} - -Note that every appendix will be a chapter. - -Sorry for the ugly hack on how to count the total pages per appendix. - - -Of course with section and subsection. - -\section{Appendix Section} - -And you can cite \cite{tobias:book} stuff, it will go into the main bibliography. - -Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam aliquam aliquam purus, in ornare nulla imperdiet molestie. Nam tempus erat eu dui rhoncus et vestibulum mi elementum. Ut porttitor elit sit amet justo dignissim sit amet sagittis massa egestas. Mauris sed dolor eget dui fermentum sodales ut eu nibh. - -Quisque augue est, elementum ac porttitor non, porttitor ac orci. Donec hendrerit, ligula ac luctus egestas, sem dolor pretium nunc, sed vehicula magna diam a massa. Donec mattis, arcu et tempor mattis, risus tortor ultrices metus, nec sodales sem dolor eu elit. Nullam egestas enim at odio pellentesque bibendum. - -\subsection{With a Subsection} - -Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam aliquam aliquam purus, in ornare nulla imperdiet molestie. Nam tempus erat eu dui rhoncus et vestibulum mi elementum. Ut porttitor elit sit amet justo dignissim sit amet sagittis massa egestas. Mauris sed dolor eget dui fermentum sodales ut eu nibh. - -Quisque augue est, elementum ac porttitor non, porttitor ac orci. Donec hendrerit, ligula ac luctus egestas, sem dolor pretium nunc, sed vehicula magna diam a massa. Donec mattis, arcu et tempor mattis, risus tortor ultrices metus, nec sodales sem dolor eu elit. Nullam egestas enim at odio pellentesque bibendum. - -Donec et sapien ac leo condimentum vulputate id et tellus. Maecenas hendrerit malesuada interdum. Aenean dignissim sem faucibus elit congue faucibus id non risus. Morbi at dui non tortor pellentesque consequat non eget urna. Cras in sapien dui, a tincidunt velit. - -\clearpage %force the next chapter/appendix to start on a new page. Keep that as the last line of your appendix! diff --git a/tex/sample/Xappendix2.tex b/tex/sample/Xappendix2.tex deleted file mode 100644 index 946d6ea..0000000 --- a/tex/sample/Xappendix2.tex +++ /dev/null @@ -1,43 +0,0 @@ -% Appendix -% Just to have more appendices and more content - -\chapter{Dummy Appendix}\label{appx:second} - -Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam aliquam aliquam purus, in ornare nulla imperdiet molestie. Nam tempus erat eu dui rhoncus et vestibulum mi elementum. Ut porttitor elit sit amet justo dignissim sit amet sagittis massa egestas. Mauris sed dolor eget dui fermentum sodales ut eu nibh. - -Quisque augue est, elementum ac porttitor non, porttitor ac orci. Donec hendrerit, ligula ac luctus egestas, sem dolor pretium nunc, sed vehicula magna diam a massa. Donec mattis, arcu et tempor mattis, risus tortor ultrices metus, nec sodales sem dolor eu elit. Nullam egestas enim at odio pellentesque bibendum. - -Donec et sapien ac leo condimentum vulputate id et tellus. Maecenas hendrerit malesuada interdum. Aenean dignissim sem faucibus elit congue faucibus id non risus. Morbi at dui non tortor pellentesque consequat non eget urna. Cras in sapien dui, a tincidunt velit. - -Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam aliquam aliquam purus, in ornare nulla imperdiet molestie. Nam tempus erat eu dui rhoncus et vestibulum mi elementum. Ut porttitor elit sit amet justo dignissim sit amet sagittis massa egestas. Mauris sed dolor eget dui fermentum sodales ut eu nibh. - -Quisque augue est, elementum ac porttitor non, porttitor ac orci. Donec hendrerit, ligula ac luctus egestas, sem dolor pretium nunc, sed vehicula magna diam a massa. Donec mattis, arcu et tempor mattis, risus tortor ultrices metus, nec sodales sem dolor eu elit. Nullam egestas enim at odio pellentesque bibendum. - -Donec et sapien ac leo condimentum vulputate id et tellus. Maecenas hendrerit malesuada interdum. Aenean dignissim sem faucibus elit congue faucibus id non risus. Morbi at dui non tortor pellentesque consequat non eget urna. Cras in sapien dui, a tincidunt velit. - -Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam aliquam aliquam purus, in ornare nulla imperdiet molestie. Nam tempus erat eu dui rhoncus et vestibulum mi elementum. Ut porttitor elit sit amet justo dignissim sit amet sagittis massa egestas. Mauris sed dolor eget dui fermentum sodales ut eu nibh. - -Quisque augue est, elementum ac porttitor non, porttitor ac orci. Donec hendrerit, ligula ac luctus egestas, sem dolor pretium nunc, sed vehicula magna diam a massa. Donec mattis, arcu et tempor mattis, risus tortor ultrices metus, nec sodales sem dolor eu elit. Nullam egestas enim at odio pellentesque bibendum. - -Donec et sapien ac leo condimentum vulputate id et tellus. Maecenas hendrerit malesuada interdum. Aenean dignissim sem faucibus elit congue faucibus id non risus. Morbi at dui non tortor pellentesque consequat non eget urna. Cras in sapien dui, a tincidunt velit. - -Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam aliquam aliquam purus, in ornare nulla imperdiet molestie. Nam tempus erat eu dui rhoncus et vestibulum mi elementum. Ut porttitor elit sit amet justo dignissim sit amet sagittis massa egestas. Mauris sed dolor eget dui fermentum sodales ut eu nibh. - -Quisque augue est, elementum ac porttitor non, porttitor ac orci. Donec hendrerit, ligula ac luctus egestas, sem dolor pretium nunc, sed vehicula magna diam a massa. Donec mattis, arcu et tempor mattis, risus tortor ultrices metus, nec sodales sem dolor eu elit. Nullam egestas enim at odio pellentesque bibendum. - -Donec et sapien ac leo condimentum vulputate id et tellus. Maecenas hendrerit malesuada interdum. Aenean dignissim sem faucibus elit congue faucibus id non risus. Morbi at dui non tortor pellentesque consequat non eget urna. Cras in sapien dui, a tincidunt velit. - -Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam aliquam aliquam purus, in ornare nulla imperdiet molestie. Nam tempus erat eu dui rhoncus et vestibulum mi elementum. Ut porttitor elit sit amet justo dignissim sit amet sagittis massa egestas. Mauris sed dolor eget dui fermentum sodales ut eu nibh. - -Quisque augue est, elementum ac porttitor non, porttitor ac orci. Donec hendrerit, ligula ac luctus egestas, sem dolor pretium nunc, sed vehicula magna diam a massa. Donec mattis, arcu et tempor mattis, risus tortor ultrices metus, nec sodales sem dolor eu elit. Nullam egestas enim at odio pellentesque bibendum. - -Donec et sapien ac leo condimentum vulputate id et tellus. Maecenas hendrerit malesuada interdum. Aenean dignissim sem faucibus elit congue faucibus id non risus. Morbi at dui non tortor pellentesque consequat non eget urna. Cras in sapien dui, a tincidunt velit. - -Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam aliquam aliquam purus, in ornare nulla imperdiet molestie. Nam tempus erat eu dui rhoncus et vestibulum mi elementum. Ut porttitor elit sit amet justo dignissim sit amet sagittis massa egestas. Mauris sed dolor eget dui fermentum sodales ut eu nibh. - -Quisque augue est, elementum ac porttitor non, porttitor ac orci. Donec hendrerit, ligula ac luctus egestas, sem dolor pretium nunc, sed vehicula magna diam a massa. Donec mattis, arcu et tempor mattis, risus tortor ultrices metus, nec sodales sem dolor eu elit. Nullam egestas enim at odio pellentesque bibendum. - -Donec et sapien ac leo condimentum vulputate id et tellus. Maecenas hendrerit malesuada interdum. Aenean dignissim sem faucibus elit congue faucibus id non risus. Morbi at dui non tortor pellentesque consequat non eget urna. Cras in sapien dui, a tincidunt velit. - - -\clearpage %force the next chapter/appendix to start on a new page. Keep that as the last line of your appendix! diff --git a/tex/view.sh b/tex/view.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000..e4a357b --- /dev/null +++ b/tex/view.sh @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +#!/bin/bash +function finish { + killall entr +} + +if [ ! -f main.pdf ]; then + xelatex -shell-escape -8bit main +fi + +makeglossaries main +find chapters | entr -cp xelatex -shell-escape -8bit main & +#ls biblio.bib | entr -cp bibtex8 main & +#ls chapters/0abbr.tex | entr -cp makeglossaries main & +zathura >/dev/null 2>&1 main.pdf + +trap finish EXIT