
208 lines
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% Global style. Normally should not be edited.
% If you use windows OS, eventually change \setmainfont to Arial
% Check around commit
% to see how the font files were manually added (after downloading them: )
\usepackage[\secondlang,\thesislang]{babel}% finnish english swedish
\usepackage[bookmarksdepth=subsection]{hyperref} % for automagic pdf links for toc, refs, etc.
\usepackage{pgfplots} %simple plots etc
\usepackage{tikz} % mindmaps, flowcharts, piecharts, examples at
\usetikzlibrary{shapes.geometric, arrows}
%condition for adding or not space in TOC
%for compact list
%for block comment
%for "easier" references
%forcing single line spacing in bibliography
%including figure (image)
%change the numbering for figure
%strike trough
%euro symbol
%try to count
%insert source code
%require -8bit -shell-escape in the xelatex compile command
%if compiling locally, consider options cachedir=minted,outputdir=~/.tex
%force the width of a table instead of column
\usepackage{booktabs} %why not booktabs? :3
% Abbreviations, acronym and glossary
\usepackage[acronym,toc,nonumberlist,section=chapter]{glossaries}%xindy,%toc, ,nomain
\usepackage{float} % For forced figure location with modifier H (\begin{figure}[H])
\usepackage{cite} % Make citations to match Metropolia thesis guide
% change font of links in bibliography to same as other text
% change punctuation of multiple cites to semicolon instead of comma: [1; 2; 3]
\renewcommand\citepunct{; }
% citep-macro for reference with period inside square brackets [1.]
%set date format to D.M.YYYY
%set date format to D Month YYYY
\newdateformat{longmonth}{\THEDAY~\monthname[\THEMONTH] \THEYEAR}
\newcommand\tn[1]{\textnormal{#1}} %use \tn instead of \textnormal
\newcommand\reaction[1]{\begin{equation}\ce{#1}\end{equation}} %\reaction{} for chemical reactions
%all text, title, etc. in the same font: Arial
%NOTE: fontname is case-sensitive
\setmainfont{Liberation Sans}
%line space
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\setlength{\parindent}{0pt} %first line of paragraph not indented
\setlength{\parskip}{16.5pt} %one empty line to separate paragraph
%list with small line space separation
%the figures should be placed in the "illustration" folder
%figure number without chapter (1.1, 1.2, 2.1) to (1, 2, 3)
%border around images
%space after figure caption (and other float elements)
\IfLanguageName {finnish} {\SetupFloatingEnvironment{listing}{name=Koodiesimerkki}} {}%was Listaus
%moved after begin document, otherwise does not compile
%% set this format as the default for lstlisting
%change toc title
\IfLanguageName {finnish} {\addto{\captionsfinnish}{\renewcommand*{\contentsname}{Sisällys}}} {}
%remove dots
%chapter title and page number not in bold
%sub section in toc
%subsection numbered
\renewcommand{\printtoctitle}[1]{\fontsize{13pt}{13pt}\bfseries #1}
%spacing afer a chapter in toc
%spacing afer a section in toc
%spacing afer a subsection in toc
%appendix in toc with "Appendix " + num
\IfLanguageName {finnish} {
%appendix header
\IfLanguageName {finnish} {\def\appname{Liite\space}}{\def\appname{Appendix\space}}
%chapter title
%bibliography title to be "references"
%IF THE TITLE DON'T GET RENAMED PROPERLY, move that line after the \begin{document}
\IfLanguageName {finnish} {\addto{\captionsfinnish}{\renewcommand*{\bibname}{Lähteet}}} {\renewcommand\bibname{References}}
\makeatletter %reference list option change
\renewcommand\@biblabel[1]{#1\hspace{1cm}} %from [1] to 1 with 1cm gap
\makeatother %
%count the appendices (since the chapter counter is reset after \appendix).
%! require to complie 2 times
%footer on every pages