+++ title = "Korhonen AUR" date = 2022-03-25 +++ This is a repository of prebuilt AUR packages that I use myself. I decided to share it openly on the internet if somebody else finds it useful. == Note! All of the packages in this repository are optimized for x86-v3. To check if you CPU is supported, run the following command [source,shell] ---- /lib/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 --help | grep "x86-64-v3 (supported, searched)" ---- If the command outputs nothing, your CPU is not supported. Otherwise, you are good to go! == Support This repository comes with *no support* and *no guarantee of uptime*. The server that this repository lives in is behind 4G broadband, so speeds might vary based on weather and other factors. I update the packages sporadically, more than likely multiple times a week and if I'm not too busy, daily. If you have packages that you would like to be included here, mailto:aur@marko.korhonen.cc?subject=Package%20request%20for%20Korhonen%20AUR[email me] and I'll see what I can do. == Usage First, add my PGP key to your pacman keyring and trust it [source,shell] ---- pacman-key -r E40A9DD549AA7A3CFCCBBC3D911B85FBC6003FE5 pacman-key --lsign-key E40A9DD549AA7A3CFCCBBC3D911B85FBC6003FE5 ---- Then add the following to your `/etc/pacman.conf` [source,shell] ---- [korhonen_aur] Server = https://index.korhonen.cc/repo/arch_linux/$repo/$arch ----