[section] name = "Education" id = "education" template = "sections/education.html" enable = true weight = 4 showOnNavbar = true [[degrees]] name = "Bachelor of ICT" icon = "fa-graduation-cap" timeframe = "2016-2020" [degrees.institution] name = "Metropolia University of Applied Sciences" url = "https://www.metropolia.fi/en" [[degrees.publications]] title = "Rust as a Web Development Language" url = "https://www.theseus.fi/handle/10024/339275" [[degrees]] name = "Student exchange" icon = "fa-building-columns" timeframe = "2018-2019" [degrees.institution] name = "Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences" url = "https://www.frankfurt-university.de/en" [[degrees]] name = "Upper secondary qualification in Business Economics" icon = "fa-building" timeframe = "2013-2015" [degrees.institution] name = "Saimaa Vocational College" url = "https://www.edusampo.fi/en" [[degrees]] name = "High school and matriculation examination" icon = "fa-building" timeframe = "2009-2012" [degrees.institution] name = "Lauritsala high school"