designation = "Software developer" resume = "" summary = "I am a passionate software engineer with $workingExperienceYears years of working experience. I also have a passion for open source, Linux, and servers." [section] name = "About" id = "about" enable = true weight = 1 showOnNavbar = true template = "sections/about.html" [company] name = "Rossum Oy" url = "" [[socialLinks]] name = "Email" icon = "fas fa-envelope" url = "" [[socialLinks]] name = "Phone" icon = "fas fa-phone" url = "+358407658800" [[socialLinks]] name = "GitHub" icon = "fab fa-github" url = "" [[socialLinks]] name = "LinkedIn" icon = "fab fa-linkedin" url = "" [[socialLinks]] name = "Fediverse" icon = "fab fa-mastodon" url = "" [[socialLinks]] name = "Telegram" icon = "fab fa-telegram" url = "" [[socialLinks]] name = "WhatsApp" icon = "fab fa-whatsapp" url = "" [[socialLinks]] name = "Discord" icon = "fab fa-discord" url = "" [[badges]] type = "soft-skill-indicator" name = "Teamwork" percentage = 85 color = "blue" [[badges]] type = "soft-skill-indicator" name = "Communication" percentage = 95 color = "green" [[badges]] type = "soft-skill-indicator" name = "Leadership" percentage = 80 color = "orange" [[badges]] type = "soft-skill-indicator" name = "Planning" percentage = 90 color = "pink"