= Gitea with AsciiDoc support image::https://drone.korhonen.cc/api/badges/FunctionalHacker/gitea-asciidoc/status.svg[Drone build status] The official Gitea Docker image does not support AsciiDoc rendering, so I wanted to create an image which has support out of the box. == Pull from Docker Hub [source,bash] ---- docker pull functionalhacker/gitea-asciidoc ---- == Configuration In addition to pulling this image instead of the official one, you need to configure the renderer. You can follow the https://docs.gitea.io/en-us/external-renderers/#appini-file-configuration[official docs] to achieve that. == Updates This image is based on the latest stable official `gitea/gitea:1` image. I will update it whenever I notice the Gitea team update their image and I have the time to do it. == Support This image comes with no support whatsoever. The Dockerfile is based on the official Gitea image and it is literally 2 lines long so there is not much to go wrong here. If, for whatever reason you feel that there must be something wrong with my image, you can email me at mailto:gitea@functionalhacker.korhonen.cc[gitea@functionalhacker.korhonen.cc]