Marko Korhonen
Changes include: - [x] Use init.lua instead of init.vim - Some keybindings are still to be converted - [x] Use packer as a package manager instead of vim-plug - [ ] Use built-in lsp instead of coc.nvim - [x] Set up language servers - [x] Completion - [x] Formatting (previously coc-prettier, now neoformat) - [ ] Snippets - [ ] Replace fzf with telescope.nvim - [x] Implement treesitter syntax highlighting - More info: Note that this requires neovim nightly until 0.5 is released Reviewed-on: #2 Co-authored-by: Marko Korhonen <> Co-committed-by: Marko Korhonen <>
27 lines
904 B
27 lines
904 B
local function map(mode, lhs, rhs, opts)
local options = {noremap = true}
if opts then options = vim.tbl_extend('force', options, opts) end
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap(mode, lhs, rhs, options)
-- Open/close tree browser
map('n', '<C-Tab>', '<cmd>NvimTreeToggle<CR>')
-- Telescope
map('n', '<C-f>', '<cmd>Telescope find_files find_command=fd,-Ht,f<CR>')
map('n', '<C-g>', '<cmd>Telescope live_grep<CR>')
-- Completion
-- Navigate completions with tab and shift tab
map('i', '<S-Tab>', 'pumvisible() ? "\\<C-p>" : "\\<Tab>"', {expr = true})
map('i', '<Tab>', 'pumvisible() ? "\\<C-n>" : "\\<Tab>"', {expr = true})
-- Navigate between buffers
map('n', '<C-N>', ':bn<CR>', {silent = true})
map('n', '<C-B>', ':bp<CR>', {silent = true})
-- Navigate between splits
map('n', '<C-H>', '<C-W><C-H>')
map('n', '<C-J>', '<C-W><C-J>')
map('n', '<C-K>', '<C-W><C-K>')
map('n', '<C-L>', '<C-W><C-L>')