-- Package manager for LSP servers, DAP adapters etc. -- It also handles starting all of my LSP servers --- @type LazyPluginSpec return { "williamboman/mason.nvim", dependencies = { "neovim/nvim-lspconfig", "williamboman/mason-lspconfig.nvim", -- Add MasonUpdateAll { "Zeioth/mason-extra-cmds", opts = {} }, -- Add lockfile support { "zapling/mason-lock.nvim", opts = { lockfile_path = vim.fn.expand("~/git/dotfiles/home/.config/nvim/mason-lock.json"), }, }, -- Extended functionality for jdtls "mfussenegger/nvim-jdtls", -- Add support for LSP file operations { "antosha417/nvim-lsp-file-operations", opts = {} }, }, config = function() require("mason").setup() local mlspc = require("mason-lspconfig") local lsp_utils = require("lsp_utils") local commonLspConfigArgs = { on_attach = lsp_utils.map_keys, capabilities = lsp_utils.get_capabilities(), } mlspc.setup() mlspc.setup_handlers({ -- Default handler function(server_name) require("lspconfig")[server_name].setup(commonLspConfigArgs) end, -- Disable tsserver diagnostics diagnostics -- that come from ESLint ["ts_ls"] = function() require("lspconfig").ts_ls.setup(vim.tbl_extend("force", commonLspConfigArgs, { settings = { diagnostics = { ignoredCodes = { 6133, -- Unused variable 6192, -- Unused import }, }, }, })) end, -- Don't set up jdtls, it is set up by nvim-jdtls ["jdtls"] = function() end, }) end, }