# key timeout export KEYTIMEOUT=1 # prompt customization export PURE_PROMPT_SYMBOL="λ" export PURE_PROMPT_VICMD_SYMBOL="y" # history settings export HISTFILE=~/.zsh_history export HISTSIZE=10000 export SAVEHIST=10000 # Ignore these functions from history since they will # append the expandend command to the history export HISTORY_IGNORE="(pi|pr)" # Additional settings (source https://jdhao.github.io/2021/03/24/zsh_history_setup) setopt HIST_IGNORE_ALL_DUPS setopt HIST_SAVE_NO_DUPS setopt HIST_REDUCE_BLANKS setopt INC_APPEND_HISTORY_TIME setopt EXTENDED_HISTORY # Enable completions for aliases setopt no_complete_aliases # Variable to pass to sdotdrop to get current user export USRNAME=$USER # Add ~/.bin to path export PATH="/home/$USER/.bin:$PATH" # go path export GOPATH=~/.go # fzf settings export FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND='fd -Ht f' export FZF_ALT_C_COMMAND='fd -Ht d' export FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS='-m --ansi --bind ctrl-a:toggle-all,ctrl-d:deselect-all,ctrl-t:toggle-all' export FZF_COMPLETION_TRIGGER='**' export FZF_CTRL_T_COMMAND="$FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND" export FZF_CTRL_T_OPTS='--preview "bat --color=always --style=numbers --line-range=:500 {}"' _fzf_compgen_dir() { fd -Ht d } _fzf_compgen_path() { fd -Ht f } # dotfile repository location export DOTREPO="$HOME/git/dotfiles" # nvim ftw! export EDITOR=nvim export PAGER="$EDITOR -R +\"lua require 'pager'\"" export GIT_PAGER="$EDITOR -R +\"lua require 'pager'\"" export PARU_PAGER="$PAGER -c 'set ft=PKGBUILD'" export AUR_PAGER=$PAGER export MANPAGER="$EDITOR +\"lua require 'pager'\" +Man!" export SYSTEMD_EDITOR=$EDITOR # Use GPG for SSH authentication export GPG_TTY="$(tty)" # set SSH_AUTH_SOCK if not logging in over SSH if [ "$SSH_CONNECTION" = "" ]; then export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=$(gpgconf --list-dirs agent-ssh-socket) #gpgconf --launch gpg-agent gpg-connect-agent updatestartuptty /bye >/dev/null fi # Enable grc colorization of supported commands [[ -s "/etc/grc.zsh" ]] && source /etc/grc.zsh # Disable dotdrop submodule auto update export DOTDROP_AUTOUPDATE=no