# signoff every commit git() { if [[ "$1" == "commit" && $# -eq 1 ]]; then /usr/bin/git commit -S -s else /usr/bin/git $@ fi } # git shorthands gc() { git commit $@ } gpull() { git pull $@ } gpush() { git push $@ } # Syntax highlighting cat cat() { nvimpager -c $@ } rip() { abcde printf "Ripping done. Importing to library" beet import ~/Documents/Rip/flac/* } # search and install packages with fzf yi() { SELECTED_PKGS="$(yay -Slq | fzf --header='Install packages' -m --preview 'yay -Si {1}')" if [ -n "$SELECTED_PKGS" ]; then yay -S $(echo $SELECTED_PKGS) fi } # search and remove packages with fzf yr() { SELECTED_PKGS="$(yay -Qsq | fzf --header='Remove packages' -m --preview 'yay -Si {1}')" if [ -n "$SELECTED_PKGS" ]; then yay -Rns $(echo $SELECTED_PKGS) fi } # find and open man pages with fzf fman() { man -k . | fzf --prompt='Man> ' | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -r man } # I'm retarded so I need this :q() { 'exit' } :wq() { 'exit' } # zbar output only data zbarimg() { /usr/bin/zbarimg -q --raw $@ } zbarcam() { /usr/bin/zbarcam -q --raw $@ } # switch to desktop mode dock() { swaymsg output eDP-1 disable } # move to trash instead of remove rm() { trash $@ } # clean stuff clean() { DFCMD="df -h / | tail -n 1 | cut -d' ' -f8- | cut -d' ' -f1 | sed 's/[^0-9]*//g'" SPACEBEFORE=$(eval "$DFCMD") trash-empty 10 sudo journalctl --vacuum-size=500M yay -Sc SPACEAFTER=$(eval "$DFCMD") echo "Saved $(calc $SPACEAFTER - $SPACEBEFORE)G of space" } # connect to wireguard startvpn() { sudo systemctl start wg-quick@wg0.service } stopvpn() { sudo systemctl stop wg-quick@wg0.service } # connect to metropolia vpn metropoliavpn() { sudo openconnect -u markoak --passwd-on-stdin vpn.metropolia.fi } # read qrcode from selection qr() { grim -g "$(slurp -d)" - | zbarimg PNG:- } # generate qr code in terminal qrencode() { /usr/bin/qrencode -t ansiutf8 $@ } # color picker cpick() { grim -g "$(slurp -p)" -t ppm - | convert - -format "%[pixel:p{0,0}]" txt:- } # eclim daemon location eclimd() { /usr/lib/eclipse/eclimd } #iwctl aliases i() { iwctl station wlan $@ } # download firefox customizations ffcustom() { wget "https://gist.githubusercontent.com/Sporif/db6b3440fba0b1bcf5477afacf93f875/raw/2a1be65a12f8f0c88ba84a69697e542ad62d4624/userChrome.css" "https://gist.github.com/mrkwatz/277fb19d210a7539304ca2388f24d8e3/raw/d5b47f4089a3ef29cc719ecb9f3bc0d333ab866a/userChrome.js" "https://gist.github.com/mrkwatz/277fb19d210a7539304ca2388f24d8e3/raw/d5b47f4089a3ef29cc719ecb9f3bc0d333ab866a/userChrome.xml" } # change cpu power settings performanceg() { sudo cpupower frequency-set -g performance } powersaveg() { sudo cpupower frequency-set -g powersave } performance() { performanceg && sudo ryzenadj --stapm-limit=45000 --fast-limit=45000 --slow-limit=45000 --tctl-temp=90 } powersave() { powersaveg && sudo ryzenadj --stapm-limit=25000 --fast-limit=25000 --slow-limit=25000 --tctl-temp=55 } ultimatepowersave() { powersave && sudo ryzenadj --stapm-limit=25000 --fast-limit=25000 --slow-limit=25000 --tctl-temp=20; } # monitor cpu freq cpufreq() { watch -n 1 eval "cat /proc/cpuinfo |grep MHz" } # dotdrop updatesecrets() { bash $DOTREPO/secrets/secrets.sh; chmod 600 $DOTREPO/secrets/secrets } dotdrop() { source $DOTREPO/secrets/secrets && $DOTREPO/dotdrop/dotdrop.sh --cfg=$DOTREPO/config-home.yaml $@ } sdotdrop() { source $DOTREPO/secrets/secrets && sudo -E $DOTREPO/dotdrop/dotdrop.sh --cfg=$DOTREPO/config-root.yaml $@ } dotgit() { git -C $DOTREPO $@ } dotsync() { cd $DOTREPO && gpull && ga && gc && gpush && cd $OLDPWD } # sync password manager passync() { pass git pull && pass git push && updatesecrets } # update stuff plugupdate() { vim +PlugUpgrade +PlugUpdate +CocUpdate +qa && zplugin update && $HOME/.tmux/plugins/tpm/bin/update_plugins all } dotupdate() { dotgit submodule update --init --recursive && dotgit submodule update --remote dotdrop && dotsync } update() { yay -Syu firefox-nightly; flatpak update } updateall() { update; plugupdate; dotupdate; passync; sudo awman-update } # remove unneeded packages autoremove() { sudo pacman -R $(pacman -Qdtq) } # start neomutt instead of mutt mutt() { neomutt $@ } # turn on usb tethering on my android phone tether() { adb shell su -c "service call connectivity 33 i32 1 s16 me" > /dev/null } # update arch mirrorlist reflect() { sudo reflector --latest 200 --threads 8 --verbose --protocol http --protocol https --sort rate --save /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist } # better ls ls() { ls_extended $@ } # default icon for notify-send notify-send() { /usr/bin/notify-send --icon=alarm $@ } # colorise output cvs() { grc cvs $@ } df() { grc df $@ } digg() { grc digg $@ } gcc() { grc gcc $@ } g++() { grc g++ $@ } ifconfig() { grc ifconfig $@ } make() { grc make $@ } mount() { grc mount $@ } mtr() { grc mtr $@ } netstat() { grc mount $@ } ping() { grc ping $@ } ps() { grc ps $@ } tail() { grc tail $@ } traceroute() { grc traceroute $@ } wdiff() { grc wdiff $@ } blkid() { grc blkid $@ } du() { grc du $@ } dnf() { grc dnf $@ } docker() { grc docker $@ } docke-machine() { grc docker-machine $@ } env() { grc env $@ } id() { grc id $@ } ip() { grc ip $@ } iostat() { grc iostat $@ } last() { grc last $@ } lsattr() { grc lsattr $@ } lsblk() { grc lsblk $@ } lspci() { grc lspci $@ } lsmod() { grc lsmod $@ } lsof() { grc lsof $@ } getfacl() { grc getfacl $@ } getsebool() { grc getsebool $@ } ulimit() { grc ulimit $@ } uptime() { grc uptime $@ } nmap() { grc nmap $@ } fdisk() { grc fdisk $@ } findmnt() { grc findmnt $@ } free() { grc free $@ } semanage() { grc semanage $@ } sar() { grc sar $@ } ss() { grc ss $@ } sysctl() { grc sysctl $@ } systemctl() { grc systemctl $@ } stat() { grc stat $@ } showmount() { grc showmount $@ } tune2fs() { grc tune2fs $@ } tcpdum() { grc tcpdum $@ }