#!/bin/bash PATH=/usr/bin alert="Signature detected: $CLAM_VIRUSEVENT_VIRUSNAME in $CLAM_VIRUSEVENT_FILENAME" # Send the alert to systemd logger if exist, othewise to /var/log if [[ -z $(command -v systemd-cat) ]]; then echo "$(date) - $alert" >>/var/log/clamav/infected.log else # as "emerg", this could cause your DE to show a visual alert. Happen in Plasma. but the next visual alert is much nicer echo "$alert" | /usr/bin/systemd-cat -t clamav -p emerg fi #send an alrt to all graphical user XUSERS=($(who | awk '{print $1}' | sort -u)) for XUSER in $XUSERS; do NAME=(${XUSER/(/ }) DISPLAY=${NAME[1]/)/} DBUS_ADDRESS=unix:path=/run/user/$(id -u ${NAME[0]})/bus echo "run $NAME - $DISPLAY - $DBUS_ADDRESS -" >>/tmp/testlog /usr/bin/sudo -u ${NAME[0]} DISPLAY=${DISPLAY} \ DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=${DBUS_ADDRESS} \ PATH=${PATH} \ /usr/bin/notify-send -i dialog-warning "clamAV" "$alert" done