local function map(mode, lhs, rhs, opts) local options = {noremap = true} if opts then options = vim.tbl_extend('force', options, opts) end vim.api.nvim_set_keymap(mode, lhs, rhs, options) end -- Open/close tree browser map('n', '', 'NvimTreeToggle') -- Telescope map('n', '', 'Telescope find_files find_command=fd,-Ht,f') map('n', '', 'Telescope live_grep') -- Completion -- Navigate completions with tab and shift tab map('i', '', 'pumvisible() ? "\\" : "\\"', {expr = true}) map('i', '', 'pumvisible() ? "\\" : "\\"', {expr = true}) -- Navigate between buffers map('n', '', ':bn', {silent = true}) map('n', '', ':bp', {silent = true}) -- Navigate between splits map('n', '', '') map('n', '', '') map('n', '', '') map('n', '', '')